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R 설치

by 빵으니 2020. 7. 2.

R 설치




Download R-4.0.2 for Windows. The R-project for statistical computing.

If you want to double-check that the package you have downloaded matches the package distributed by CRAN, you can compare the md5sum of the .exe to the fingerprint on the master server. You will need a version of md5sum for windows: both graphical and comm



R studio 설치



Download RStudio

RStudio is a set of integrated tools designed to help you be more productive with R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, and a variety of robust tools for plotting, viewing history, debugging and managing




설치를 완료했으면 아래 포스팅으로 넘어가기! ↓



[R] Python 가상환경 생성 및 R 주피터 노트북 연결

Anaconda Prompt 실행 파이썬 버전 확인 python --version # 3.7.2 아나콘다 버전 확인 conda --version # 4.7.12 아나콘다 update conda update conda 가상환경 list conda info --envs 가상환경 생성 conda crea..


R은 "함수형 언어"


실행 단축키 ctrl + enter


<-       단축키   Alt+ '-'

%>%   단축키   Ctrl + Shift + M


* R 인덱싱은 1부터
